Welcome to our new site!

Thanks for taking the time to check out my new website!  I'll start by telling you a little about me and why I opened this store!  I am a lampwork glass artist, as well as jewelry designer.  I travel all over the country doing art shows selling my jewelry, beads, and giftware made from my glass beads. I also teach classes from my studio, so I had a lot of interest in other artists buying the supplies to try to make their own.  I like to encourage other artists and hobbyists, and I think we should foster and teach creativity in others.  This is why I decided to start working with a manufacturer and changing and improving designs of these items and I would pass along these items to my fellow artists at wholesale cost.  I also decided early on that I did not want to penalize the small time artist from getting a fair deal on my items, so my pricing is the same across the board.  I hope you love our products and please feel free to contact me at anytime for suggestions, tips, or simply sharing your work!  I would love to see it!